Since 1996, the Urban Ministry Center has partnered with colleges and congregations of many faiths to open their facilities to provide shelter and food for homeless people during the winter months, December 1 – March 31.

Each site offers a warm, safe place to sleep, serves three meals (dinner, breakfast and bag lunch) and then returns guests the following morning to uptown Charlotte. The program offers a unique way for people of faith to become directly involved with individuals who are homeless. The basic goal is to keep homeless people from freezing on cold winter nights. A greater goal is to provide a more personal relationship to homeless people, at least for a night, and to foster a deeper understanding of the depth and complexity of the issue.

From December 1, 2018, through March 31, 2019, Room In The Inn provided a total of 16,407 overnight accommodations to 1,494 different people. Each year, nearly 5,000 Room In The Inn volunteers throughout the community help in some way: registering neighbors, driving, making dinner and serving dinner, chaperoning overnight, making sandwiches for lunch or simply sharing a meal and conversation.

Each year, the Charlotte Community of Mindfulness volunteers for one full weekend in the Myers Park Baptist Church Room In The Inn ministry. Learn more about this vital ministry at
Myers Park Baptist: We Provide Shelter to Our Neighbors

To learn more, volunteer, or donate to the Urban Ministry Center, visit their website at

Together, we can serve our neighbors in Love.